Saturday, January 30, 2010

Dream a little Dream!

I have a ability to dream things that are going to happen. I have seen things that I wish that I haven't wanted to know about. Sometimes I feel so torn up to know what bad things are to come. I wish that I could fine tune my dream readings, they sometime really don't make any since until they happen. After the event it usually make total sense to me. Someday I hope to be able to help or prevent someone from being in harms way.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Montana Prision

I visited the closed prison in Montana with a big history. I was unable to get photo's to come out clear. This on was taken of the main door in and out of the prison. I also heard and felt things in the lower levels of the jail. I want to return with recorder for some EVP's in the future. If your in the area it's a great placer to visit, it's just off I90 in Montana.